Limupp CCM


Limupp CCM is rich in preservatives based on organic acids and prevents mold growth in cattle feed, including compound feed, raw materials, and (corn) silage. It is user-friendly and effective in maintaining feed quality. By applying Limupp CCM and proper storage techniques, yeast and mold growth in CCM silage is reduced, leading to improved feed quality and enhanced health and productivity of cattle.

  • Solution:Prevents mold growth
  • Farm:Cattle farming, pig farming
  • Packaging :1100 kg IBC
  • Certification:GMP+ & FSA certified, SecureFeed

Doel: By using Limupp CCM and proper storage, yeast and mold in CCM silage are minimized, resulting in better feed quality and increased health and productivity in cattle.


Dosage: Compound feed/raw materials/TMR: minimum 1 kg/ton, depending on composition and moisture content.
Corn silage - top-side layer 50 cm deep: 2-3 kg/ton
Corn silage - cutting face: 0.2 kg/m² (e.g., apply with a backpack sprayer)

Advice: Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Shelf life: 24 months from production date.

If you have any questions or are interested in Limupp CCM, please leave your contact details in the form, and we will get in touch with you without obligation.


CCM (Corn Cob Mix) increases milk production and is ideal for high-yield cow rations. However, due to its high energy concentration, CCM silage is prone to heating and mold growth. Limupp CCM offers an effective solution by preventing mold formation and preserving silage quality.

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